Ribbon cutting ceremony

Recently we had our open day at Te Kupenga o Rongomai Maidstone Sports Hub

The Karakia was lead by Ōrongomai Marae, Upper Hutt and this event was a way to have those that contributed to the project walk through the facility as well as to unveil the Mouri stone.

Local MP Chris Hipkins praised Te Kupenga o Rongomai as a wonderful community asset and highlighted its success as a project emerging from the challenges of COVID-19.

The Mouri stone was put in place on 2 February 2024 by Te Āti Awa, with the support of Ōrongomai Marae and Upper Hutt City Council as part of the blessing ceremony for this facility. The Mouri stone came from the land beneath this facility and represents the life force and vitality of Te Kupenga o Rongomai - Maidstone Sports Hub.

I hī ake tēnei toka mouri nō raro i te whenua nei. Ko tā te toka , he pupuri i te mouri o Te Kupenga o Rongomai. I te rā 2 o Pepuere 2024, i tā i te kawa o te whare, i whakatakotoria hoki te toka mouri nei  e Te Āti Awa. Nā Ōrongomai Marae, nā Te Awa Kairangī Ki Uta hoki i tautoko.


Thanks for attending our open day!